Sunday, March 27, 2011

passeport mot;كلمة جواز سفر;passport

I have received my first ever passport. the above languages say the word passport in two of the languages that will most likely be the main tongue of the country i will be in. To address to my family in why i cannot say which country specifically i will be going to. the country i will be in for a month is a closed country, this is defined as; Closed Country:A closed country is one that limits or prevents Christian ministry by expatriates as missionaries. Alternatively, these countries may be called creative-access countries or restricted-access countries. This means that legally we cannot be there to preach the good news of Christ, for legal reasons through the organization and for our safety, but we can be there to build relationships with the locals and love on them as much as possible, hoping to exchange our beliefs as we hear theirs. we will be doing a lot of praying, and a lot of watching God work. 

Emotionally i am feeling very calm, which i know is the Holy Spirit relaxing me, because i should be feeling stressed, the issues and drama all around me with my family, money, people all seem to look really stressful and annoying but i don't seem to feel those emotions right now. i'm just joyful about this trip and i want to be in Africa right now! i also just want to praise God for being Jireh: God the Provider. the money for the trip is not all here yet but God has provided, and i have complete faith that he will continue to provide for me.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

watercolor/ SOLD

this is an outline of Africa in a bundle of flowers

  • 22"x30"
  • $120

Saturday, March 5, 2011


These are a pair of shoes i just finished. they belong to Krystal Stroud, my roommate, and they are very suitable for her personality!

this is an example of the art i complete on plain shoes that need a little spice. i can work on any plain color, and any type of shoe. I can also do any design, picture, and illustration on the shoe, or i can embroider to the best of my ability

  • if you bring me a pair of shoes. the work on the shoe is $15
  • if i need to purchase the shoe it will be $15 plus the cost of shoe, determined by brand
  • please contact me with your shoe size, and design if you would like a pair

African girl and baby. The colors in this painting represent how colorful and joyful people keep their spirits in tough situations. this can echo how as a Christian i will remain joyful because that spirit inside me, Christ, is pure love. a love we cannot understand or imagine to explain. this joy will remain whatever the situation so we are left without excuse to complain.
  • 16"x20"
  • $40

complementary still life

 This is a complementary color scheme of a still life. complete with a my little pony!

  • 18"x24"
  • $30

 This is a triad exaggerated still life. like shoes?

  • 18"x24"
  • $40

again contact me if you would like to purchase. either comment or email(


Friday, March 4, 2011

For Sale/SOLD

This is a sunset painting of a scene i saw a few years ago that i will still claim as the greatest sunset i have ever seen.

  •  22"x30" 
  •   1/4" trim of white.
  •  $80
  • frame-able or free hanging
Please contact me at if you are interested in purchasing this piece. All the proceeds of this piece will go to funding my mission trip this summer. :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Africa seems to be picking up speed on the arrival date. I am putting the finishing touches on the letters I will be sending out to raise support through prayer and financial means. It is encouraging to write so many addresses and see the people in my life that I can trust and involve in my life and my activities. I sometimes feel solitude, crashed away at school, busy with a life full of random events, homework, class, eating, and sleeping. I used to do these things with, relatively, the same people for 17 years, and for the past two it has adapted to such a different scenery. Change is AWESOME! Looking back on all the addresses of people from those 17 years with the addition of people from the past 2 is such an awesome reflection of the community that God has provided for me.
I feel that life keeps adjusting us so that we leave that consistency and expand through whatever means we let happen. Letting God decide what your expansion is creates such amazing connections, experiences, communities, miracles. Have you ever asked what your purpose in life is? Everyone has or will. One of the great thing about God is once you answer his name with that question thats all that you have to worry about again. Everything is taken care of after that. Life is simple, we want to complicate it but we are built to serve and worship. That pretty much covers everything. Romans 1:18-20 " The wrath of God is being revealed from Heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. since what may be known about God is plain to them. for since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." It is so hard for us, me, to accept that it is so simple to just see and believe God. We of little faith.